Sunday, August 31, 2008


Here's a picture I took of Sarah at Seward. I was amazed at the time there was not security for the Alaska govenor.
Not the case today.
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Sarah, not so plain and standing very tall!

Well howdy!
Lots of excitement in this election, eh? Carol has been as excited as can be with the political news lately and I am again amazed at my bride. She follows this political scene with a close interest.
And now Sarah has intensified everything.
Sarah Palin that is:
The governer of Alaska has and is being examined and dissected in an intensity that defies expression. Our daughter Marianne says the church they go to was invaded by newsmen and photographers today. that because Sarah and Todd attend the Wasilla Bible Church. Our friend Adele who is a close friend of Sarah received phone call after phone call from major papers and newsmagazines searching for any tidbit they could find about Sarah.
This small town Alaska girl has experienced a meteoric political rise and we need to pray for her and her family to be able to keep their equilibrium these next 60 some days. Sarah is a very committed Christian who has stood tall for Jesus as she has governed with integrity and bravery.
And she is just as regular as anyone could be. Last year we saw her at the Seward Marathon cheering her kids on.
What's God up to in this election?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Hebrew 12:1-BABY

Matt organized a group of guys-mostly from our church -to participate in the Hood to Coast relay. 197 miles from Mt hood to the coast at Seaside, Oregon. Greg, Eric and Matt of our clan participated in the crew of twelve. they took 29 or so hours to complete the grueling trek. There was lots of looking and waiting interrupted by 6 miles or so of hurting and pain. Greg is asking "where is Eric, anyway?"
Here he comes! adreniline is flowing now! They say about 15,000 runners from all 50 states and 40 foreign countries participated. And all this while the Olympics were going on.
There were two teams of 6 each on each 12 man team. guys were shuttled to their meeting spots and guys tried to sleep, eat or whatever, waiting for their next turn of misery (approximately 6 miles each).
We watched a couple of sections with Mark and Shari. Mark got drafted to be a race official. He had to go to a transfer point on Saturday to a little Oregon town near the coast and handle the traffic caused by hundreds of vans and racers congregating at the same place.. Pandemonium!
A bunch of guys were groaning and limping at church today. They did great and represented their team name of Hebrews 12:1 Baby, with distinction.
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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

So many pics-So little space

We have had many family gatherings lately. We gathered with our fellow
staff members in Alaska. Here is the picture taken from our bed room
at the conference.

We also had a lot of fun get togethers with our Alaska three children and their families
while in Alaska. Family get togethers included our children, their families at each of their houses.