Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Reality Check

Carol and I went out into the country last Sunday-actually up into the foothills past Estacada. I taught SS and preached at this country church that has supported is for many years.
Imagine our surpise when we drove up this remote country road to the church which meets in an old schoolhouse. A billboard with my name on it encouraging people to come and hear me preach!!.

Well that is where perspective is needed to keep from getting too big a head.
Sunday School had about 6 adiults and church maybe thirty total. I imagine hardly any traffic goes down that country road. James 1:9 says we should look at our position in life with a reality check. In the end everyone will end up on the same level and we should look at life and our position in that light. If our name gets put up on a billboard, keep that in mind.
By the way those people in that church are very wonderful believers and carry no pretentions whatsoever. They are good friends.
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