Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Musing, Reflecting, Pondering

The Christmas story in Luke says that after Mary gave birth to Jesus
and amidst of all the angelic and human attention to the birth that:

"Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. "
Christmas is a time for musing, reflecting and pondering. It is a wondrous thing that
God so loved-He gave His Son. Sad the person who doesn't pause to reflect on that.

So as we dug out from the worst snow fall here in Portland in 40 years, we pondered
with her.

Snow shovleling is a great activity to encourage musing.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Tuba Christmas

I was a little discouraged this last week. The constant public barrage against Christians and Christian values get wearing and wearying. This last week the governor of Washington allowed a sign ridiculing religion and christianity to be placed next to the nativity scene in the capitol at Olympia. It seems you cannnot say anything publically negative against anything-except Christians. Then a shot of reality-of all places-in downtown Portland. Carol and I went to town on the Max and to observe and listen to 200 tubas, sousaphones, baritones, euphoniums play the old Christmas carols. Not Rudolph the you-know-what or Frosty the Snowman. Silent Night and Come all ye Faithful. Beautiful and Moving. I wish my Alaska friend, baritione player Russ could have been there. It turns out that this is a world wide event.
The director is an octogenarian who was for years the principal baritone player for the Portland Symphony. He knew his stuff and demonstrated and told us much about the different instruments. He obviously chose the most traditional of Carols. Reminded me of another friend Wally.
The inspiration and encouragement came -like Christmas itself-from a simple act. He repeatedly turned to the crowd of 1000's and had us sing along. There in the most liberal of settings we sang Silent Night, O Come all ye Faithful, Hark the Herald Angels, etc. I admit a tear rolled down my cheek and a prayer of thanks flew from my heart.