Thursday, January 29, 2009

First the Snow and then the Blow

As you can tell by this picture out our window, we live in a park-like setting. Quite unusual for most condo settings. It does have its downsides occasionally. Like in the recent once-in-forty years snowstorm. The roads in this complex were almost impassable.
Then came the winds last week. It tore off roofing of quite a few units. Some need replacing like below. Ours needs repairing.

The worst was the damage to the beautiful trees that make our grace our properties. Quite a few were destroyed. In fact trees around our area suffered great damage. At nearby Mt. Hood College they had $100,000 damage to their campus trees
The tree above was left standing but had to be taken down due to it's danger of falling. It was a magnificent fir tree that swayed so had in the wind that a passing tree specialist stopped by to warn us. I went with him to see this tree sway so hard in the wind that the root system actually breathed and broke the soil around it while the gusts came. The residents in unit below had to leave for a couple of days. When the wind died down we had to have it taken down.
A reminder: We can look great and seem to have it altogether but if our roots are not anchored in God's truth, winds of adversity will destroy us.
Psalms 1
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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Canada Again! and another wedding

Carol and I spent a few days in BC in Canada after being up there less than two weeks ago. At least the roads were more driveable than last time. We went to a wedding of a son of a dear missionary friend. Alice (above) was able to attend from Ontario. We were so concerned about her since she has had severe seizures for the last two years. She was able to function and enjoy her son's wedding. Her husband Rick could not attend due to Dr orders not to travel with and inner ear infection. We prayed that Alice could make it but forgot to pray for Rick!!
Alex married a high school friend. A lovely couple.
The piper played as the couple left the ceremony and to bring them into the reception.
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Monday, January 5, 2009

Jack and Carolyn

Carol and I had a great time over this recent New Years weekend.
We drove through some pretty fierce winter weather to Vancouver BC.
We visit family in Seattle and then spent three days with Merlin,
Brenda and their sons, Tyson and Warren. We celebrated a late Christmas
with them and then attended a wedding of our good friend Jack Teeter.
He and Carolyn have been friends for years. The wedding was in a native
reserve in North Vancouver.

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