Saturday, February 27, 2010

My Son Just Turned 55!!

We have six children and I can truly say that no one of them is a favorite. I can appreciate each one for their distinctive qualities and giftings. It's like a beautiful grouping of vivid blooms making a bouquet of God's gift to us.

But I have been thinking about Mark turning 55 yesterday. First of all, I can't believe we have a son getting close to retirement. Someone saw us at McDonald's today and asked me to pray for him preaching tomorrow. The reason he said jokingly was "that you are as old as God." So I guess I am old.

Mark and I were bonded in a unique way when we first went to Alaska as missionaries. Carol had to stay behind in WA. to have our fourth and Mark and I went to a remote Alaska village and went through the trauma of isolation, people speaking another language, culture shock together. Mark was a real trooper at 4 yrs of age and was a great comfort to me when I was missing his mom, the rest of our family and going through challenges of adaptation. He was my rock in a changing world. It might be strange to say that of a 4 year old, but it is true.

He is still a rock to me. My oldest son fills the bill of every expectation in the phrase "oldest son".

He is a great husband to a wonderful daughter in-law. A great dad to three outstanding grandchildren and a loving grandpa. He is a strong committed believer, a wonderful christian leader and a wise son.

Happy Birthday Mark.