Thursday, January 21, 2010

Jesus Loves the Little Children

I have been somewhat scarce on this blog. One of the reasons I began it was to keep our extended family aware of some of the family happenings. Facebook has changed that a since a lot of family communication goes on there. A case in point was the wedding recently in Moscow where Morgan and Kaitlin tied the knot. It was a great time,with over 100 photos
springing up on Facebook.

I did title this blog "Moffat Musings" however and I will still muse from time to time.

I have been musing about children and Jesus' love for them. They are so incredibly innocent and so subject to the strengths and weaknesses of us adults.

Our great Grandson Rowan experienced that Love as he went through a 2 hour operation to remove an extra kidney and reroute his "plumbing". Marla sent these pictures of Rowan with his grandmother, mother and brother We pray for our grandkids and great-grands a lot and it was a privilege and joy to see Jesus' love for him as he did marvelously and the medical staff and doctors used their love and skill to bring that about.
That led me to wake up thinking in the middle of the night about the Haitian children. I don't need to add any images of them here. We have been assaulted with those images, both good and bad. One news flash I just witnessed was the ruins of an orphanage flattened on about 50 young orphans. I know they are resting in the loving arms of Jesus, because he said "let the little children come."
On the other hand there are hundreds of these kids experiencing the loving arms of Jesus through the ministry of rescue workers, orphanage workers, relief organizations (mostly Christian) and new adoptive parents cutting through the red tape and getting them into the homes of these parents. For these survivors a chance for a loving home was accelerated because of the earthquake!
Jesus shows His love for the little children in many ways. We thanks him for working in the lives of the children in our family and that "Jesus loves the children of the world"