Sunday, December 2, 2012

Good Intentions-Gone Bad

Three months since my last post. On top of that I had intended to make a special post  about each of our children on their birthdays. I did our eldest Mark on his 55th birthday in February 2010.
I followed that up very speedily? with a post about our second and daughter Marla three months ago. almost two years after Mark's post.

I had intended to get the other four this year. One complication is that all their birthdays are within weeks of each other. Another complication is that I got very ill with pneumonia during that time. I just feel I must make mention here and hope to catch up next year or being accused of favoritism to the oldest two.

In truth neither Carol or I feel any favoritism to our children. We do acknowledge unique giftings and personality traits in them that makes us highlight or appreciate them for their uniqueness. We never would wish they were all the same. I  highlighted some of the special characteristic about the oldest which you can read in the above mentioned blogs. Now for a thumbnail about the other four just in case I don't get to mention them on their next birthday.


Born in October Marty is a clear thinker, and is a committed to ministering and serving others. In fact that is a common trait in all our children. He had to deal with some challenging physical problems, but has faced and more than conquered those challenges.

His focus has been to live and serve in Alaska and his fine family could be called true Alaskans

He and Nikki have raised three, now grown and married children and are now enjoying grandchildren.


Born the end of September, Merlin is our adventurous one. He married a Canadian girl and they have lived in Canada (Saskatchewan and Alberta), Texas, Mexico and now live in Vancouver Canada. They did a good work as missionaries in Mexico, learning the language and helping develop small churches there to have more significant outreach to their neighbors.
In fact Merlin and Brenda still have a significant tie to Mexico. Their daughter is married and living in Mexico and their two grandchildren live there. They look eagerly to each opportunity for visits from them.
They have three children, a daughter and two sons.

This picture shows them with their daughter, son in law and granddaughter. A grandson has since joined the family.


Also born the end of September, Matthew is fun-loving, mixed with a deep compassion for people.He keeps our family laughing and enjoys life and helps those around him to enjoy it as well.
He lives with his family (Maralle and two high school aged children) in Sandy, Oregon. Since he lives close to us, we are often included in many family activities.

Often Matt will call and suggest we join he and his family in many fun activities. He helps keep us "young" thinking.



Our November baby has grown into a remarkable woman. Gifted and wise we enjoy being with her and her family. Since she and husband Scott live in Alaska that is not as often as we would like. Marianne works at a school as an accountant and is very active in running and other outdoor pursuits. She and Scott are involved in many things Alaskan.

They have three  grown children, but so far no grandchildren.
Scott like all of the spouses of our children, gives us great joy and we are convinced that each one of our "in-law" kids were chosen by God and consequently could not be a better choice for us.

I don't think I mentioned Mark and Marla's mates in my previous blogs so I will correct that here.

Mark and Shari's three boys are married and those marriages have given them 10 grandchildren. It is hard to find a picture of Mark and Shari without them being surrounded by grandchildren.

Jim and Marla at his retirement party last year. Their lives are full with all of their family living very close to them. Their six grandchilren give them much joy.


Matt said...

Dad, Thanks for taking the time to do this. We are deeply thankful that we are fortunate enough to be able to call you,"Dad and Mom".

We love you, Matt and Maralle

Matt said...

Dad, Thanks for taking the time to do this. We are deeply thankful that we are fortunate enough to be able to call you,"Dad and Mom".

We love you, Matt and Maralle

Marianne Wick said...

Thanks Dad for the kind words! If only I really was an accountant (but touched you thought I was smart enough to be one). : )
I agree with Matt - we are just a chip off the old block.
Love you lots,